Ten sketchers participated in the 24th Sketchcrawl in Seoul.
We met at Starbucks coffee shop in Daehangno.
Daehangno is a culture street in Seoul. Many small-sized theaters and art facilities are concentrated in this area. You can easily find great cafes and restaurants in Daehangno. It is always filled with young people.
A fellow sketcher and I moved to the Naksan Park near Daehangno.
The park was established when Mt. Naksan was redeveloped. Visitors on the peak can see the four mountains off in the distance - Mt. Bugaksan, Namsan, Inwangsan and Naksan - that surround the old capital. The fortress Wall of Seoul is maintained along the upper ridge and is the best place to enjoy the views of the downtown region.
At 3 pm we met again for sketchbook sharing.